This is me driving in my car to number 2 canyon.
This is Amanda. We get along well as she is also a dirty tree huggin' hippie. Judy is also a wildlife enthusiast: see her smile!
Amanda is 19 and from Kentucky, she serves at the Bruce Hotel, which is a transitional housing center for people transitioning from homelessness to having a home and a job, etc.

Here are some other friends, from left to right: Diarmid, he is 18, from Georgia, he likes computers and playing video games. He is serving at a junior high part time and a highschool the other part of the time, helping the "high risk kids" who are newly in highschool or will be soon.
Next is Jake, he has a beard and really likes Tom Waits. He is local and has introduced us to a lot of cool people, and shown us where a lot of cool trails and things are. He is cool in general. He is 19, I believe, and serves at Sterling Elementary helping high risk kids with their homework and reading.
Next is Steph, she is from Ohio and is 23. She served with Forest services at Mt. Rainier last year and is serving at Grant Elementary now, with Reading corps, so she is helping kids who are just a little below proficiency learn how to read.

This is me enjoying a funnel cake at the Chelan County Fair. This was one of the first things me and my amerifriends did together. Check the fanny pack, although I'm wearing it in the nonconventional, over the shoulde style, for easy access.
One of our Amerifriends, Debbie, has a baby, Jacob. This is him, Judy, and I. Judy loves a baby.
This is Steph, at a river park downtown. The rest of us are probably there somewhere!
I bought a pogo stick at the goodwill, an excellent purchase.
Jake introduced us to Chaz, not shown, who fixes bikes, has red hair and a free spirited mother. She has campfires in her yard on Fridays and lets me bring Judy. Chaz took us on a hike yesterday to squillchuck national park and after a long time hiking, this is what we saw. Not too shabby.
And one more pic of me and Judy, to tide you over until next time.
1 comment:
Rachael! This is making me incredibly homesick, but I'm thrilled that you're enjoying yourself. A few thoughts for you:
1. GOATHEADS SUCK! I can emphathize.
2. Grant Elementary is full of MY peeps - it's also where my Mom taught. Have Steph introduce herself to Patsy Nelson, Ken Heinle, and Roberta Ahnamiller (very dear friends of the family). My Mom's name was Dottie Busenbark.
3. Killer mountain biking around Leavenworth. I'm going to send you a book about hiking/biking trails in Central Washington.
Eat plenty of golden delicious from Stemilt for me. Also, you can go to the orchards and buy fruit waaaaay cheaper than buying from the stores. Try out by Orondo or up past Entiat.
Love you!!
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