Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This is my living room, the drape to the left is covering my window that faces east across the river. We have mattresses instead of couches. Here are the pets, all sleeping together.

My yard after the big snow this weekend, there was so much! This view is standing on my porch, looking south towards wenatchee.
These are some pumpkins we carved for halloween.

Looking straight across the river from my front porch. Sometimes when I wake up and go outside, it is beautiful!
This is Juliette, asleep with her tongue out.

The other side of my living room, that window faces the sheer rock wall. The blanket looks the same because we did rearranging between those two pictures.

View from almost the road, looking northish, there's my trailer and the landlord's house, the busted cars (edit, I guess all you can see is the tractor, the cars are a little more to the left), the mountain, the dumpster.

My trailer again from the driveway, you can kind of see the door and the thing I call the porch. The window to the right is the kitchen.
The living room window that faces the rock wall. Excellent, eh?

My landlord's goats and that rock they love to stand on.

A sideways picture of my car with some bighorn sheep above it. Can you spot them?

When I walk judy north past the landlord's to the rock quarry and then look across the river

The rock quarry.

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